
Self-Myofascial Release Techniques For Beginners

Self-Myofascial Release Techniques For Beginners

Are you experiencing aches, pains, and tension in your muscles? If so, you can benefit from self-myofascial release. This therapy method may sound complicated, but it’s simple to implement. So, what is self-myofascial release (SMR)? In a nutshell, SMR is applying pressure to muscles and connective tissues to increase flexibility and reduce pain. With just a few tips, you can be well on your way to better range of motion and fewer aches and pains. Here, we discuss the benefits of self-myofascial release and offer suggestions to help you get started safely. Take a look at the techniques we share below. Rest assured, they’re beginner-friendly! 

What Is Myofascia? 

You can think of fascia as a soft, flexible netting wrapped around every structure within the body–including muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, and organs. As you might imagine, it is vital in providing stability, structure, and even communication across tissues. 

Myofascia is the multi-layered fascia that surrounds and supports the muscles. It can be affected by scarring. Myofascial release (MFR) is a form of manual therapy. By gently pressing on the fascia (the body’s connective tissues), you may improve your range of motion, decrease pain, and enhance fascial mobility. A therapist can perform MFR, and you can also practice self-myofascial release (SMR). SMR is often done with everyday tools, such as a tennis ball or a foam roller. 

Techniques for Beginners 

If you’d like to experiment with self-myofascial release, using a foam roller is a fantastic place to start. Foam rolling can be uncomfortable initially, especially if you carry a lot of tension. Aim to start with light pressure on broader areas such as the upper back, thighs, and glutes. When you find a sore spot, gently sink into the tissue and see what your body will allow. Although some people prefer to build up to deep pressure, never force yourself to push through pain. With time and practice, you’ll get accustomed to foam rolling or using a tennis ball to target trigger points. 

Feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of starting self-myofascial release? We’re here to help! Our power vinyasa yoga classes incorporate soft tissue release, and we’ll walk you through using the tools properly. Attending a class is a great way to learn this therapeutic practice in a non-judgmental environment. 

Fascia envelops the body, and keeping connective tissue healthy and flexible takes time and effort. You can revitalize your tissue through movement, stretching, and techniques such as self-myofascial release–and feel much better! If you’d like to explore our classes or recovery services, we’d love for you to try us out with an all-access day pass or week pass. Have questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out!